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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
January 29, 2023

Historical Archive: Allegory of Good and Bad Government
Palazzo Pubblico, Siena, which has its own exterior page

fresco Ambrogio Lorenzetti 1338-1340
Sala dei Nove (council chamber), 14.04 x 7.7 meters (46' x 25' 3")

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full room to north
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full room to north with person for scale
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ceiling structure at north wall
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north wall: Divine Wisdom, Justice making rulings, Concord; Commune of Siena enthroned with Peace, Strength, Prudence, Mercy, Temperance, and Justice, under Faith, Charity, Hope. Much of right side overpainted c.1360.
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north and east walls
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corner of north and east walls, figural part; in bottom frieze Grammar and Dialectic
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east wall with oblique north wall
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east wall with oblique north wall, with person for scale
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upper east wall with oblique north wall and ceiling
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full east wall: Good Government
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east wall, north end: Good Government in the city (Siena); extreme left overpainted c.1360
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Good Government: crowned woman with riders, dice game in tavern
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Good Government: tavern, dancers, shoe shop, teaching
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Good Government: women or male actors dancing with tambourine player
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Good Government, top: building activity; bottom: shoe shop, teaching, food and spice shop, wood transport, cloth workers
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east wall, south end: city wall, Good Government in the country
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Good Government in the country, with hovering Security; bottom frieze: Astronomy, Philosophy
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south window in 16th-c. surround
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west wall with oblique north wall, top left: planets
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west wall and oblique north wall with ceiling
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west wall, north end: Bad Government
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Bad Government: Tyranny enthroned with Cruelty, Betrayal, Fraud, Rage, Division, and War under Avarice, Pride, and Vainglory; Justice bound at feet
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Bad Government: Italian inscription and tyrant Nero
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Bad Government: Fraud, Tyranny holding poss. inverted chalice or paten on stand, goat at feet, Rage
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Bad Government: Rage, Division, War
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oblique west wall: Bad Government in the city, Tyranny with vices; and north wall
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Bad Government in the country with hovering Fear
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Bad Government in the country: Fear
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Bad Government in the country: ruined church top right, burning village, soldiers