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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
March 3, 2020

Historical Archive: Cathedral of the Annunciation, Blagoveschensky sobor
Kremlin, Moscow

foundations reused from 1416 church
built 1484-1489 by master masons Kryvtsov and Myshkin of Pskov
1547 fire; restoration 1564-66 as palace cathedral for Ivan IV (the Terrible), with added domes and upper corner chapels
Wall paintings 1547-1551 when not otherwise noted
1737 fire; restored 1815-20; closed from 1918, museum from 1955, renewed religious usage after 1992; restored 2006-10

Iconostasis 14th-19th century, restored 1920s
Base roundels, center: prayers to Mary and Christ; sides: patronage Alexander III and Nicholas II
Holy Doors, silver gilt, 1818 (Annunciation, Evangelists); columns, canopy, crown 1838
First painted tier (lowest, Veneration), left to right:
Our Lady of Tikhvin, c.1565-1600; Deesis, late 17th c.; Virgin and Child, 15th c.; Christ enthroned, 1337, overpaint 16/17th c.; Annunciation, 1600-50; SS Peter, John the Baptist, and Alexis, 1682 Fyodor Zubov and others
Second tier up (Menaion, calendar cycle): 17th c.
Third tier (Deesis), left to right:
Basil the Great, Peter; Michael, Mary, Christ Pantokrator, John the Baptist, and Gabriel prob. by Theophanes the Greek, late 14th c.
Fourth tier (Feasts) early 15th c., Nativity and other panels poss. Andrei Rublev (Rublyov); Crucifixion poss. Prokhor Gorodets
Fifth tier (Prophets), highest rectangular panels: mid 16th c.
Sixth tier (Patriarchs, Forefathers): 1770s.
framework gilded brass and enamel on copper, 1894 design N.V. Sultanov, completed 1896 by I.P. Khlebnikov jewelry firm

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north side
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east side from east/northeast, main entrance on right
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east side from east/southeast, on right Palace of Facets
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northeast (main) entry
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Synaxis of the Most Holy Mother of God, mid 16th c.
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Synaxis, arch and tympanum
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southern part of east side
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southeast entry, added 1570 by Ivan IV, rebuilt 1949
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east apses and southeast entry
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apses and northeast entry from southeast
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south side, western (left) part 19th c.
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south side with Cathedral of the Archangel on right
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plan after Kremlin museums website
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north (entry) gallery; silver portal lamp 1628
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north gallery: Tree of Jesse mid 16th c.; Mandylion over entry: Simon Ushakov, late 17th c.
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north gallery: Jonah and the Whale mid 16th c. (mostly repainted late 19th c.); joining of north and west galleries
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west gallery: eastern vault, Tree of Jesse mid 16th c.; Ascension lower left largely original
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west gallery south end; south wall: Feats of the Monastic Recluses
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west gallery: early 16th-c. portal to west aisle, blue and gold paint late 19th c.
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entry from west gallery, west aisle to south, and pier with SS Dmitry Donskoy and Vasily I
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west aisle exterior wall; right: Judas in the lap of Satan (Apocalypse cycle 1547-51)
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west aisle to north, north exterior wall; left under arch: Earth and Water Returning the Dead
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southwest pier; south side: SS Vladimir Monomakh and Yaroslav Vsevolodovich
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southwest pier, west side, with iconostasis
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southwest pier with iconostasis and portal to south gallery
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north wall; below window: Michael battles rebel angels, Woman clothed with the Sun; northwest pier lower level: SS Boris and Gleb
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north wall lunette: Dormition of the Virgin; copper chandelier 17th c.
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portal from north gallery, north wall, and iconostasis
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center space to south
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south wall: lunette Nativity 1882-95; 1547-51: below window Opening of the Fifth Seal and Angel puts chain on Satan, below that the Righteous
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iconostasis full height, north and central portions
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iconostasis full height, central portion
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iconostasis full height from northwest
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northwest pier with iconostasis, center and south portions
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iconostasis base and first three tiers from northwest
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north part of iconostasis, first three tiers
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center part of iconostasis, base and first three tiers
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center/south part of iconostasis with Holy Doors
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center/south part of iconostasis; silvered copper icon lamps early 19th c.
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center/south part of iconostasis, base and first three tiers
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center/south part of iconostasis from west/southwest
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iconostasis second through sixth tiers
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center/south part of iconostasis with southwest pier
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nave, dome Pantokrator after late 19th c.
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south gallery to east, heavily restored 2006-10
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south gallery to east with vaults
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south gallery, icons from side chapel above gallery, 1560s, covers 16th c.: Entry into Jerusalem, John the Baptist
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Cathedral of the Archangel seen through window in east wall of south gallery
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original iconostasis icons of Deesis tier, center SS George and Demetrius of Thessaloniki late 14th/15th c.; sides SS Daniel the Stylite and Simeon Stylites 16th c. overpainted 17th c., removed 1896
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frieze and architrave, 1550-75, displayed in south gallery
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frieze and architrave, 1550-75 (closer view), displayed in south gallery