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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
February 15, 2020

Historical Archive: Cathedral of Hagia Sophia, Exterior
Veliki Novgorod, Detinets (Kremlin, citadel)

1045-50, some rebuilding after fire, 1153-54
center dome covered with gilded bronze 1408

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west façade with southwest chapel on right, and former residence of the Metropolitan, ground floor partly 17th c., the rest P.R. Nikitin 1770s
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west façade with southwest chapel on right, and former residence of the Metropolitan, closer view
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west façade from west/southwest
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west façade; on right stair tower leading to gallery, with dome
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west façade from southwest
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west façade, center with portal
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fresco over west portal: Trinity, Sophia, Holy Face, 1528, much painted over
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west portal with Magdeburg doors, 17th c. window
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Magdeburg doors 1152-54, which have their own page
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south façade on citadel square; on left former residence of the Metropolitan
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south façade
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south façade, closer view. Door and window above 17th c.
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from south/southeast
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from east/southeast
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east end, setting in citadel
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east end with exposed masonry in limestone and brick
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from east/northeast
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from northeast
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from north/northeast, with people for scale
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from north/northeast
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from north
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north portal, currently main entrance
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north façade
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from northwest