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Last updated January 16, 2024
Historical Archive: Sixth century, not more precisely datable
Aphrodite and youth, hematite, 1st-6th c., Kelsey 26086, Bonner 158. See many 1st-6th c. works at 'Abrasax' gems.
Holy Rider pendant, copper alloy, 4th-7th c. ?, UCh 1988.57. For inscription and side see UCh.
bracelet, gold/garnet, 4th-8th c. steppes/south forest zone of eastern Europe, MSHM. For other views see MSHM.
animal plaque, 4th-8th c., north Urals/Kama region, MSHM
Archangel Michael with cross, hematite, 5th-6th c., DO 57.68. For reverse inscription see DO.
Archangel Michael with globus cruciger, hematite, 5th-6th c., Kelsey 26128, Bonner 336. For reverse inscription see Kelsey.
Orant figure (fragment), hematite, 5th-6th c., Kelsey 26132, Bonner 337. For reverse see Kelsey.
Virgin and Child, black glass, 5th-6th c., Taubman, Bonner 330
blown glass ampulla with painted saint, 5th to 6th c. Syria/Palestine, CMA 1999.236. For another view see CMA.
grave stone of Pauta from Liebfrauenkirche, Worms: Chrismon, birds, branches; limestone, 5th to 6th c., LMM S3021. For details see LMM.
pilaster capital: prepared throne with dove and angels, marble, 5th to 6th c., Louvre Ma 3679. For detail see Louvre.
sacrifice of a captive funeral cushion, linen and wool loop textile with inset, 5th-6th c., Pushkin 5180
excavated 5th/6th-c. structure and sarcophagi, Saint-Denis crypt, which has its own page.
columns from La Daurade, Toulouse, 5th-6th c. marble, Louvre R.F. 2305, 2306. For details see Louvre.
Symeon the Elder or Symeon the Younger, 5th-6th c. Syria, basalt, SMBByz 9/63, which has its own page
gold pendant, poss. Byzantine empress, 5th-6th c., KHM VII 898
Bacchus and Ariadne, ivory pyxis, 5th-6th c., Trier? KHM X41, which has its own page
Rome, ivory, 5th-6th c., KHM X 38, which has its own page with companion panel
Constantinople, ivory, 5th-6th c., KHM X 37, which has its own page with companion panel
gold/garnet or carnelian plaque, 5th-6th c. North Caucasus, MSHM
gold/garnet or carnelian plaques, 5th-6th c. North Caucasus, MSHM
Christ with SS. Peter and Paul, ivory 5th-6th c., on Schn B98, which has its own page
reliquary in sarcophagus form, gypsum, 5th-6th c. Apamene, Syria, SMBByz 10/87. For other views see Berlin.
Christian pyxis, ivory, 5th-6th c., Bologna BIZ 2, which has its own page
silver reliquary, Greece, 5th-6th c.? BNM 67/1, which has its own page
seal of Leontios with menorah, bronze? eastern Mediterranean 5th-7th c., BM MME 88,5-11,3
buckle fr. Åker, c.450-600, OHM C4901, which has its own page
eagle head strap end, copper alloy/gilt/glass, c.450-700 Gothic or Byzantine, Morgan 2012.2:58
Paul? garnet intaglio, late 5th-early 7th c., DO57.66. For another view see DO.
dove oil lamp, bronze, 5th-7th c., KHM VI 681
Apostles with cross and Christ Emmanuel, banded agate intaglio, 6th c., Krakow (formerly Vienna). This object has its own page.
cross fibula with bird, bronze, 6th c., KHM VI 2773
Bacchus ivory, 6th c. Egypt, on ambo, Aachen cathedral. The ambo and cathedral have their own pages with another ivory.
monogram seal, carnelian, 6th or 3rd c., DO 57.65
blown glass vessels from Giberville and Frénouville, Merovingian 6th c., Caen, Musée de Normandie
bird fibula, silver with gilding, Merovingian 6th c., Chelles. For reverse and side see Chelles.
ivory pyxis: cross and Annunciation, 6th c. provincial Byzantine (Ravenna?), CMA 1951.114. For Entry Jerusalem, altar, Lazarus, Healing Blind see CMA.
6th c. Byzantine gold ring with agate intaglio lioness, DO 58.34. For profile see DO.
Menas ampulla, 6th c. Byzantine Egypt, KM 0000.08.8209
grave stone of Rignedrudis from the cemetery of Vochem in Brühl, limestone, 6th c., RLM 24453. For details see RLM.
buckle, bronze and silver, 6th c., MAHSD. For detail see MAHSD.
buckle with quadruped, bronze, 6th c., MAHSD
capital from St-Geneviève, Paris, acanthus 6th c. recarved to Daniel 12th c., Louvre R.F. 457. This work has its own page.
Visitation and Annunciation to Anna, ivory panels from a diptych, Syria 6th c., Hermitage. Part of the same object as Louvre OA 11149.
Annunciation, Ordeal, Flight; ivory, 6th c. eastern Mediterranean (Syria?), Louvre OA 11149. Part of same object as Hermitage Visitation/Annunciation to Anna. For detail see Louvre.
font relief prob. 6th c., poss. sarcophagus fragment, in Ravenna, Orthodox baptistery, which has its own pages with 6th c. altar.
Paulos, founder's inscription, 6th c.? Byzantine marble, Hermitage Ѡ-523
Resurrection, ivory pyxis, 6th c., eastern Mediterranean, VHM, loan from Sion CT. This work has its own page.
fish fibula, gold and garnet, 6th c., V&A M.120-1939
star saucer brooch fr. Mitcham, gilt copper alloy, 6th c., MoL A20119
animal interlacee saucer brooch fr. Mitcham, gilt copper alloy, 6th c., MoL A19891
harness mount fragment, copper alloy/gilt, 6th c. Anglo-Saxon, Morgan 2012.2:70
S-brooch, copper alloy, 6th c. Anglo-Saxon, Morgan 2012.2:115
fibula, gilt bronze/garnet, 6th c., Lejre 6150PX256. For another view see Lejre.
bird fibula w. mask, snake, bronze, 6th c., Lejre LEOPX58
S-fibula with bird heads, bronze? 6th c., Lejre 6150PX277
wings, Persian inscription: stucco, 6th c., Met 32.150.48. For other views see Met.
necklace w. pendant of Roman coins, Chaumuzy 6th c., Reims MSR
buckle, bone, 6th c., Reims MSR
bow fibula, silver/garnet, 6th c., SMB MVFg IIc 2762
Adam and Eve, ceramic, North Africa 6th c., BNM L.2014/6. For detail see BNM.
gold bead and pendant from Colli Imolesi, 6th c.? Imola 4033 and 4032. For oblique view see Imola.
eagle brooch, 6th c.? Spain? Morgan
male bust with added caduceus, amethyst intaglio, ?6th c., CMA 1954.4. For other views see CMA.
miraculous fishing on Lake Tiberias, ceramic ampulla, 6th c., ANAM
Alexander casket, ivory, poss. 6th or 9th c., prob. 12th c., Darmstadt Kg 54:215a-d, which has its own page
silver cross, 6th-early 7th c., DO BZ.1955.17, which has its own page
tunic with fishers on insets, linen and wool, 6th-8th c., Pushkin 6707
tunic with fishers on insets, linen and wool, 6th-8th c., Pushkin 6707