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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
August 22, 2024

Historical Archive: Greek Inscriptions through the general 6th century
and general 6th-7th century
See also Chrismon (Christogram) and Byzantine coins.

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Exekias, black-figure amphora from Vulci with Ajax and Achilles playing dice, c.540-30 BCE, Vat 16757. This work has its own page.
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gold ring, prob. Cyprus, Hellenistic? Bryn Mawr M.167; for other views see Bryn Mawr
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conch shell and inscription, 1st c. BCE/CE or 2nd c., red jasper intaglio, Florence MA 1731. For modern impression see Florence MA.
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magical inscription, 1st-2nd c. CE, on Archaic intaglio, Fitz. CG 518. This work has its own page.
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Aphrodite and youth, hematite intaglio, 1st-6th c., Kelsey 26086, Bonner 158
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Aphrodite, lapis lazuli intaglio, 1st-6th c., Taubman, Bonner 55
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reverse of Aphrodite, lapis lazuli intaglio, 1st-6th c., Taubman, Bonner 55
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Cock-headed anguipede, jasper intaglio, 1st-6th c., Kelsey 26054, Bonner 172. For reverse see Kelsey.
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Eros and Psyche, green jasper intaglio, 1st-6th c., Kelsey, Bonner 161
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Isis and Horus, jasper intaglio, 1st-6th c., Taubman, Bonner 31
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Lion striding right, crystal intaglio, 1st-6th c., Kelsey 26050, Bonner 237
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Lion-headed snake with 7 eggs, serpentine intaglio, 1st-6th c., Kelsey 26118, Bonner 91. For reverse see Kelsey.
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Lion-headed god, steatite intaglio, 1st-6th c., Kelsey 63.4.8, Bonner 99
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hematite intaglio, 1st-6th c., Kelsey 26140. For rider on reverse see Kelsey.
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Sun god in a quadriga, hematite intaglio, 1st-6th c., Kelsey 63.4.16, Bonner 227. For reverse see Kelsey.
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?Youth wrapped in snake, hematite intaglio, 1st-6th c., Taubman, Bonner 221
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2nd-3rd c. magical inscription on an earlier crystal ball, MFAB 50.1315. This object has its own page.
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"Thracian Horseman" funerary relief, marble, 2nd-3rd c. Macedonia, MFAB 50.962
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funerary stela of Herakela (age 60) and Ares (age 52), limestone and paint, 2nd-early 4th c. Terenouthis (Egypt), KM 0000.02.1179. For full work see Kelsey.
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Crucifixion amulet, jasper, E Mediterranean late 2nd-3rd c., BM 1986,0501.1, which has its own page
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tessera reverse, silver, c.200 CE, MStA 1978.7. For obverse and cm scale see MStA.
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diatreta glass with Greek inscription, 3rd or 4th c., from Braunsfeld, Stollberger Str., RGM
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monogram seal, carnelian intaglio, 3rd or 6th c., DO 57.65
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portrait seal with fish, chalcedony intaglio, 3rd c., CdM Chab. 1334. For detail see CdM.
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Abrasax, jasper intaglio, 3rd c., Fitzwilliam. This work has its own page.
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Greek marble grave stone of Judas with candelabra, palmettes, doves, flasks, from Jewish catacomb on Via Portuense, 3rd-4th or poss. 2nd-3rd c., Rome, Vat 17584
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cast of Greek marble grave stone of Ammias prob. from Jewish catacomb on Via Portuense, 3rd-4th c., Vat 30879
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Greek marble grave stone of Primitiva and Euphrainon poss. from Trastevere with ethrogs, lulabs, menorahs, flasks, 3rd-4th c., Vat 30887
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Greek marble grave stone of Aster prob. from Jewish catacomb on Via Portuense with birds, trees, flask, grapes, menorah, 3rd-4th c., Vat 30825
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crystal sphere from Årslev grave c.300, Copenhagen, National Museum 8572. This work has its own page.
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Good Shepherd, sard intaglio, Early Christian, BM, Dalton 503
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Earth personification, linen and wool tapestry, 4th c., Pushkin ET no. 11440
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Nile River personification, linen and wool tapestry stitched to linen, 4th c., Pushkin GMII, I 1a no. 5822
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book of wood/wax tablets w. Greek school exercises, Byzantine Egypt 4th-5th c., SMB EgMP P14000. For profile view see Berlin.
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Holy Rider pendant, inscription, copper alloy, 4th-7th c.?, UCh 1988.57. For obverse and side see UCh.
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grave marker for Heron, age 2, limestone, early 4th c. Terenouthis (Egypt), KM 0000.02.1002. For full work see Kelsey.
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woman praying, limestone, late 4th c. Egypt, Pushkin
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Virgin and Child, black glass intaglio, 5th-6th c., Taubman, Bonner 330
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hematite intaglio, 5th-6th c., DO 57.68. For reverse with Archangel Michael see DO.
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hematite intaglio, 5th-6th c., Kelsey 26128, Bonner 336. For reverse with Archangel Michael see Kelsey.
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seal of Leontios with menorah, eastern Mediterranean 5th-7th c., BM MME 88,5-11,3
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St. Menas with donors and camels, marble, 5th-7th c. Egypt, KHM I 1144. For full work see KHM.
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altar table, marble (restored left), late 5th c.-c.550; MAN19589, 20300, 20580 et 90966. For detail see MAN.
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Apostles with cross and Christ Emmanuel, banded agate intaglio, 6th c., Krakow (formerly Vienna). This object has its own page.
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Hestia tapestry, wool, 6th c., DO BZ.1929.1, which has its own page
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6th c. Greek inscription on marble gravestone fr. Crimea Chersonesus, 2nd-3rd c., Hermitage Х-1039
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miraculous fishing on Lake Tiberias (John 21), ceramic ampulla, 6th c., ANAM
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Paulos, founder's inscription, 6th c.? Byzantine marble, Hermitage Ѡ-523
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silver cross, 6th-early 7th c., DO BZ.1955.17, which has its own page
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Christ Emmanuel, crystal pendant backed with blue glass, obverse, 6th-7th c., DO 50.35
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lintel with hare, cross, gazelle, and blessing from 6th-7th c. Cairo, wood, KM 0000.01.0192. For full work see Kelsey.
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Angels with cross, inscription, agate cameo, 6th or 7th c., DO 47.21. For full work see DO.
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Pierced disk with head of Christ from Limons, gold and garnets, 6th/7th c., CdM
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St. Simeon, silver/gilt, 6th-7th c., Louvre Bj 2180/MND 2035, which has its own page.
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Sergios ampulla, tin-lead alloy, 6th-7th c. Syria, WAM 55.105
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Thekla ampulla, ceramic, 6th to 7th c. Abu Mena, Louvre MNC 1926
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Menas ampulla, ceramic, 6th to 7th c. Abu Mena, Pushkin
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Christ with names of archangels, inscription, amethyst intaglio, 6th to 7th c., DO 53.7. For additional views see DO.