from east/northeast; church outline in foreground, with high altar platform on left; behind that south transept, on center right bell tower
from east
from southeast; foreground: living quarters above bakery/brewery undercroft
from southeast, slightly farther to east
from south/southwest; on left 16th-c. stair tower (top above corbels restored)
abbey and Firth from west
from west; windows mid 19th c.
from northwest
wall opening
bell tower from east; lower part is east screen (possibly chancel screen); bottom arch 15th c., infill 16th c.
south transept vault springing to southeast, early 15th c.
south transept; center right: wall cupboard, basin
view from south transept facing north (over nave foundations)
tomb recess in south wall of choir west of transept
funeral procession, probably from 1266 re-burial of Bishop John de Leicester (d.1214)
figure in funeral procession
cloister courtyard to northwest
cloister north wall at northeast corner
cloister courtyard to southeast; above walks: monastic accommodations
cloister south wall, southeast corner
refectory above cloister south walk, to east (set up for a wedding)
refectory to northeast
refectory to west
refectory west end: 16th-c. fireplace of kitchen, formerly partitioned off
north side of cloister: cellar on footprint of original nave, to southeast; with architectural fragments from whole site
cellar to northwest
cellar opening into bell tower
cellar to northwest
cellar with west door of original 12th-c. church
cloister west and south walks, incorporating earlier masonry; on corner lamp bracket
cloister west walk, vaulting 1420s-40s
cloister east walk
portal from cloister east walk to chapter house
chapter house from southeast
chapter house from south; weather vane 1931
chapter house to west/northwest, first half 13th c.
chapter house vault
chapter house vault, opening for lamp rope
chapter house to east; on left: northeast window, 14th c.
chapter house to east, wider view
chapter house seats for abbot, prior, sub-prior
chapter house engaged column between north and northeast sides
chapter house west wall with portal to cloister
chapter house west portal to eastern cloister walk
southeast undercroft: bakehouse and/or brewery to west/northwest
bakehouse/brewery to northwest
bakehouse/brewery to east
bakehouse/brewery to northeast
bakehouse/brewery bread oven
bakehouse/brewery window on the Firth and Edinburgh
hermitage from south
hermitage, doorway rebuilt prob. 1560-1600
hermitage interior to west
hermitage interior to northwest
hermitage doorway from inside, to south
hermitage from northeast
hermitage and abbey from west/northwest
hermitage and abbey from west
hermitage and World War I drying hut (Nissen hut, 1914-16) from east
view from abbey to northwest (Braefoot Bay)
abbey plan, after Richard Fawcett, David McRoberts, and Fiona Stewart