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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
November 11, 2023

Historical Archive: Latin Inscriptions through the 6th century
See also coins and medals of all periods.

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lead bar fr. Carthago Nova mines, late 1st c. BCE-early 1st c. CE, fr. Palazzolo dello Stella, ANAM. For other views see ANAM.
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grave marker for the midwife Coelia Hagne, marble, 1st-2nd c. Pozzuoli, KM 0000.00.0869
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trophy and captive barbarian, funerary relief from Este (Italy), limestone, early 1st c. CE, MFAB 4830. For oblique view see MFAB.
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grave stone of Vonatorix from Bonn, limestone, 50/60 CE, RLM. For other views see RLM.
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blacksmith shop from area of Beligna, late 1st-early 2nd century, limestone, ANAM. For detail see ANAM.
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grave stone of the daughter of the standard-bearer Crescens with funeral banquet, from Kirkby Thore (Eng.), 2nd-4th c., BM 1970,0102.7
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grave stone of Veriuga, Dunapentele (Hungary) early 2nd c., HNM 56.1911.3=62.54.1. For upper part see HNM.
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Roman inscriptions, first half of 2nd c. CE, ext. Pisa cathedral, which has its own pages with details
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funerary monument of Flavia Usiau, 2nd half of 2nd c., Tác-Gorsium (Roman Herculia), which has its own page
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Mithras fr. City of London temple, marble, late 2nd-early 3rd c., MoL A16933
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discharge document of the soldier Septimius Bubas, bronze, Danube region, 3rd c., RLM
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gold-glass medallion: menorah, amphora, horn, citron, branches; 3rd-5th c., BM 1863,0727.10
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votive relief with Silvanus, Óbuda (Hungary) 1st half of 3rd c., HNM 166.1881.1
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altar dedicated to 'the best and greatest Jupiter, for the welfare of the emperors', Dunapentele (Hungary) 213 CE, HNM 137.1874.6. For other views see HNM.
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grave stone of the family of Aelius Munatius, Dunapentele (Hungary) 238-44 CE, HNM 22.1905.3. For other parts see HNM.
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Roman funerary inscription of Ursinianus in fossiliferous limestone, late imperial, Musée Carnavalet Paris AP 82
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gold glass from Szalkszentmárton, HNM
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gold glass from Dunaszekcsö, HNM
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curse tablet, lead, Mainz Römerpassage 182:16
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curse tablet, lead, Mainz Römerpassage 182:16
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tessera/game piece, prob. Roman ivory, Vat
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horse BAEATVS, 4th c. gold-glass fr. Pljevlje, Montenegro, KHM XI 1178
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gold-glass: family, 4th c., Hermitage E.2039
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Paul/Peter inscription: gold-glass bowl, western Roman empire prob. 4th c., SMBByz 6186
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man w. workers building a ship, Dedalius gold-glass fr. cemetery Giordani on via Salaria, 4th c., Vat 60788.2.1
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Christian gravestone of blacksmith Flavius Saturninus, marble, 4th-5th c., fr. area San Martino di Terzo, Terzo d'Aquileia, ANAM. For detail see ANAM.
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couple with PIE ZESES, gold-glass, c.300-350, KHM XIa 35
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gold ring inscribed Fidem Constantino, c. 306-337, Fitz. GR.1.1975. This work has its own page.
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Mithras and the Bull from Gimmeldingen with dedicatory inscription, 325, HMP
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charioteer: VINCENTI NICA/ FANESTRO (cursive), gold-glass, c.350-400, KHM XI 1734
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Apostles, gold-glass c.350-400, DO BZ.1953.21
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Junius Bassus sarcophagus, c.359, marble, Vat Tesoro 31529.3.1-3, which has its own page
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Valentinian I and Valens gold medallion from Zagórzyn, Poland (unofficial, after official issue prob. of 364-67), SMBMünz 18200868. For details see Berlin.
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Projecta Casket, silver and gold, c.380, BM 1866,1229.1, which has its own page
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grave stone dated June 22, 385, marble, KHM III 13. For full work see KHM.
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Symmachorum ivory, late 4th to early 5th c., V&A 212-1865, which has its own page
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grave stone of Meteriola from Remagen, trachyte volcanic stone, 5th c., RLM 8411
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grave stone of Pauta from Liebfrauenkirche, Worms: Chrismon, birds, branches; limestone, 5th to 6th c., LMM S3021. For detail see LMM.
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grave stone of Grutilo from Liebfrauenkirche, Worms: Chrismon, birds; limestone, 5th to 6th c., LMM S3012
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priestess at altar of Cybele (Nicomachorum ivory), early 5th c., Cluny Cl.17048. This work has its own page.
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inscription of Sixtus III (432-40), Lateran Baptistery octagon, Rome. The baptistery octagon and narthex have their own interior page.
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Early Christian inscriptions regarding prayer, marble, bottom panel dated 483, Vat
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dome mosaics, Ravenna, Orthodox baptistery, c.451-73. This work has its own pages. Inscriptions on lower level are mostly restored.
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seal matrix of Alaric II the Visigoth, sapphire, 484-507, Vienna Kunsthistorisches Museum. This work has its own page.
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grave stone of Rignedrudis from the cemetery of Vochem in Brühl, limestone, 6th c., RLM. For other views see RLM.
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grave stone of Panto from Lahnstrasse 18, Mainz, prob. from St. Theonest, limestone, 6th to 7th c., LMM S3020
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grave marker of Gundebebius, marble, 6th-7th c., from Visigothic Santiponce (Spain), BM OA.9295
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grave marker of Gundebebius, marble, 6th-7th c., from Visigothic Santiponce (Spain), BM OA.9295
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St. Andreas, Ravenna, Church of San Vitale, 527-48, interior. This work has its own interior page.
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Cathedra of Maximian, ivory, 546-56, RavArchMus, which has its own page
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Daniel and Habakkuk buckle, bronze, region of Mâcon, late 6th c., MAN. For color see MAN.