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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
February 10, 2024

Historical Archive: Latin Inscriptions, 7th century through about 1050
See also coins and medals of all periods.

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grave stone of Panto from Lahnstrasse 18, Mainz, prob. from St. Theonest, limestone, 6th to 7th c., LMM S3020
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grave marker of Gundebebius, marble, 6th-7th c., from Visigothic Santiponce (Spain), BM OA.9295. For detail see BM.
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Harrach diptych back, ivory, 7th-8th c., Schn 1012, which has its own page
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Lateran Baptistery, Rome, Chapel of St. Vanantius, 640-49. This chapel has its own interior page.
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Adalricus reliquary, 8th c., Diocesan Museum Sion. This work has its own page.
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fresco from foot of Oppian Hill, Rome, 8th/9th c., Vat 31448 (ex 119). This work has its own page.
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grave marker from under York Minster, early 8th c., Yorkshire Museum
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Chilperic II (reg. 715-21) seal: 716 March 5, AN K3 no18
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Altheus Reliquary 772-814, Diocesan Museum Sion. This work has its own page with script details.
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Genoels-Elderen ivories, late 8th/early 9th c., MRAH 1474. This work has its own page.
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Bishop Aethelwald seal matrix, cast copper alloy, 9th c. Anglo-Saxon, BM 1822,1214.1. For other views see BM.
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font, marble, 9th-10th c. Mainz, LMM S3116. For full object see LMM.
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Grimfridus chalice, copper alloy with gilt and silver, early 9th c., DO BZ.33.4. This work has its own page.
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Latin and Greek letters: Theophilus silver miliaresion, obverse, Constantinople 829-42, NBM. For another Theophilus coin see Skopje.
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Louis the German (d.876) seal: 845 July 5, BHA KS27b. For many more inscriptions, see seals through Carloman of Bavaria 878,
Louis III the Younger 881 to present.
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Cushion of St. Rémi, silk and gold embroidery, Alpheid c.852; on 10th c. silk. This work has its own page.
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Crucifixion, crystal intaglio (reverse, image reversed for legibility), c.855-69, CdM 2167ter. For more examples of the titulus see Crucifixion through 9th c., 10th-12th c., 13th c.-present.
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Susanna Crystal: rock crystal intaglio (reverse, image reversed for legibility), c.855-69, BM 55.12-1.5. This object has its own page.
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Lothar II seal on the Lothar Cross, crystal intaglio, engraved side, c.855-69 Carolingian, AachenCT. The cross has its own page.
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St. Paul obverse, crystal intaglio, mid to late 9th c., CdM H3416
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inscription soon aft. 876 or c.820, Lorsch Torhalle, which has its own page with more paintings
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silver penny King Alfred, London c.880, MoL 60.59/1. For inscriptions on more Alfredian coins see Insular coins.
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seal matrix of Archbishop Radpod, crystal intaglio, c.883-915, Hamburg, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, 1956.6
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seal matrix of Abbot Theodulf, crystal intaglio (unengraved obverse) gilded on reverse, c.883-915, Halberstadt, cathedral treasury 46
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Latin and Greek letters: Leo VI the Wise copper follis, obverse, Constantinople 886-912, NBM
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Rambona diptych, ivory, late 9th c.-c.900, Vat 62442, which has its own page
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Norpertus seal, agate intaglio, late 9th-early 10th c., Florence MA 15060 (246). For another view and modern impression see Florence MA.
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Crucifixion and Maries at the Sepulchre, St. Gall or north Italy, 10th c., MAAB
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Crucifixion and Maries at the Sepulchre, St. Gall or north Italy, 10th c., MAAB
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pinecone base inscription, 10th c., Aachen cathedral. The pinecone has its own page.
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Basilewsky Situla, ivory, 980-81, V&A A.18-1933. This work has its own page.
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Christ, Otto II, and Theophano ivory, Italy 982-83, Cluny Cl.392, which has its own page
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Lothar cross, c.985, AachenCT. The cross has its own page
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Doubting Thomas, ivory, late 10th c., SMBByz 8505/8506, which has its own page with companion panel and another inscription
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Christ in Majesty, walrus ivory, 11th c., North Elmham, CMAA Z.32386
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lead seal matrix, 11th c., CHM
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coronation of SS. Gereon and Victor, ivory c.1000, on Schn B98, which has its own page with details
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seal matrix of Godwin, walrus ivory, early 11th c., BM 1881,0404.1. For detail see BM.
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seal matrix of Godgytha (reverse of Godwin), walrus ivory, early 11th c., BM 1881,0404.1
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Basel antependium, gold and gems on wood, early 11th c., Cluny Cl. 2350. This work has its own page.
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Bernward Doors, bronze, Hildesheim 1007-15: two sides of inscription superimposed. This work has its own page.
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Silver Bernward cross, aft. 1007-bef. 1022, HildMus DS6, which has its own page with more inscriptions
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1010 foundation stone, St. Michael's, Hildesheim, which has its own pages
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Book cover, gold/ivory/gems/enamel, metalwork c.1020, AachenCT. The cover has its own page.
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Bernward sarcophagus 1022, crypt St. Michael's, Hildesheim, which has its own pages
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Bernward tomb slab, prob. 1022, poss. 1150 or 1194, crypt St. Michael's, Hildesheim, which has its own pages
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seal of Emperor Henry III, 10 Oct. 1039, Archiv Uk. 10 in NaumburgCT, which has its own page with more parchment
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Guelph Cross; gold, silver gilt, gems, pearls, enamel, and niello on wood core; Milan bef. 1045 or central/south Italy, early 12th c; KGM W1. This work has its own page
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Countess Gertrude cross: gold, gems, and enamel on wood core, c.1045, CMA 1931.55. This object has its own page.
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Count Liudolf cross: gold, gems, and enamel on wood core, c.1045, CMA 1931.461. For other views see CMA.
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Portable altar of Countess Gertrude, c.1045, CMA 1931.462. This object has its own page.
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paten of Archbishop Gervais, silver/gold, mid 11th c., Tau