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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
February 10, 2024

Historical Archive: Latin Inscriptions, about 1050 through 13th century
See also coins and medals of all periods.

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Crucifixion/Genesis ivory, c.1050-75, SMBByz 589, which has its own page with more inscriptions and reverse
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King Ramiro of Aragon and companion, Spain 1060-80, ivory with glass from St. Aemilian reliquary, Hermitage Ф-2908. The reliquary ivories have their own page.
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Chandelier of Hezilo, gilded copper, 1061, Hildesheim Cathedral. This work has its own page with many inscriptions.
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Last Judgment, tempera, Nicholas and Johannes 1061-71, Vat 40526, which has its own page
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Christ in majesty, walrus or narwhal ivory, late 11th c. Lotharingia, Schn B121
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"Comb of St. Loup," 12th c. with poss. earlier comb; ivory, gold, silver gilt, gems; Sens CT TC.C'2. For full object see Sens.
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12th-c. inscription on "Tombeau du Ladre", Carolingian? marble chancel slab reused at St-Denis, Louvre MNB 3270. For additional views see Louvre.
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Reliquary of SS. Adrian and Natalia, León 12th c., silver on oak, AIC 1943.65. This work has its own page.
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judicial scene, St. Stephen: copper, 12th c.? Vat 61919
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inscription under Carolingian crystal: Enger cross, c.1100, workshop of Roger von Helmarshausen, KGM 88,635. This work has its own page.
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portable altar of Henry II of Werl, Roger of Helmarshausen c.1105 or 1120-27, DMP DS2, which has its own page
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Moses, fresco from S. Nicola in Carcere, Rome, 1120-30, Vat 40508. For other views see Vatican Museums.
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Amos, fresco from S. Nicola in Carcere, Rome, 1120-30, Vat 40583
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capital with Lazarus and Dives: feast of Dives, limestone, c.1125, MAHSD. For contiguous faces see Saint-Denis museum.
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Lisbjerg Altar frontal/retable/arch c.1135-50, gilded copper, NMD D287. This work has its own page with many inscriptions.
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date stone fr. Priory of St. Lawrence Canterbury (hospital), founded 1137, Caen stone fr. Normandy, CHM. For side view see CHM.
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Eleanor Vase, metalwork 1137-47, Sasanian or Islamic crystal vessel, Louvre MR 340. This work has its own page.
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Head Reliquary of Pope Alexander; silver gilt with enamel and gems over wood core, c.1145, MRAH 1031. This work has its own page with many examples.
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12 tribes Israel/12 apostles, ivory mid 12th c., left Cluny Cl. 23892, right loan fr. SMB Byz, which have their own page with more inscriptions
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rivers of Paradise, copper gilt, Mosan mid-12th c., Cluny Cl.1362. For details see Cluny.
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Large Bernward cross, c.1150, HildMus DS L109, which has its own page
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Stavelot altar, gilt bronze with enamel and rock crystal, c.1150-60, MRAH 1590. This work has its own page with many examples.
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ivory cross, c.1150-60, Cloisters 63.12, which has its own page with many inscriptions.
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Christ with winnowing fan, copper gilt, Cologne 1150-60, Schn G578
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Gunhild cross, walrus ivory, c.1150-75, NMD 9087, which has its own page
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Typological cross, copper with enamel, silver, and rock crystal on wood core, Mosan 1150-1200, MRAH 2293. This work has its own page.
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Novgorod cathedral doors, bronze, prob. 1152-54. The doors have their own page with many inscriptions.
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Stavelot Triptych, Mosan, c.1156-58, Morgan AZ001, which has its own page with many inscriptions.
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chandelier 1156-84, Aachen cathedral. The cathedral and chandelier have their own pages.
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Moses with brazen serpent, copper alloy enameled and gilt, c.1160, V&A M.59-1952
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cross from Scheldewindeke, rock crystal and enamel, Mosan c.1170-1200, MRAH 3669. This work has its own page.
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inscription 1173-78, Pisa campanile, which has its own page with details, in cathedral complex
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Coronation chalice, gold/enamel/gems, c.1175-1200, which has its own page, Tau
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Pisa Cathedral doors, bronze, Bonannus of Pisa c.1180. This work has its own page with many inscriptions.
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west façade completed by 1180, inscription for Rainaldus, 12th c. with 19th-c. additions: Pisa cathedral, which has its own pages
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St. Oswald reliquary, c.1185-89, HildMus DS23, which has its own page with more inscriptions
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Liberal Arts casket, copper enameled and gilded, c.1190-1200, V&A 7955:2-1862. This work has its own page.
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marble roadside cross, Arezzo area late 12th-early 13th c., Arezzo MS. For oblique view see Arezzo Museums.
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13th c. gold seal ring with 2nd-3rd c. carnelian intaglio, HNM K.60.3.B, which has its own page
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?13th c. gold seal matrix with Etruscan scarab, HNM K.16.1871.7, which has its own page with centaur and inscription reverse
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nave ceiling Tree of Jesse, 1200-50, which has its own page with many inscriptions, St. Michael's, Hildesheim, which has its own pages
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equestrian seal of William Fitzhamor, jet intaglio, English early 13th c., BM 1978,1-2,1
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Thomas Becket ampulla, early 13th c., lead alloy, MoL 92.73/1. For inscriptions on more ampullae and pilgrimage signs see MoL.
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portal sculpture early 13th c., Pisa baptistery, which has its own page, in cathedral complex
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processional cross fr. Willebadessen, bronze gilt, c.1210, DMP BG030, which has its own page
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double seal matrix of the city of Esztergom (Hungary), bronze gilt, 1217-55, HNM Cim.Sec.I.V.3. For other valve see HNM.
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Chartres cathedral, south transept windows 1221-30. For more views see Chartres.
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font, copper alloy c.1226, Hildesheim Cathedral. This work has its own page with more inscriptions.
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Chartres cathedral, north transept windows 1234-35. For more views see Chartres.
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Bonaventura Berlinghieri 1235, St. Francis, which has its own page
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dome and apse mosaics c.1240-1310, Baptistery of St. John, Florence. This work has its own pages with more examples.
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private seal imprint, Marguerite de Constantinople, countess of Flanders 1244-80, Cluny Cl. 22299, Louvre OA 6691. For oblique view see Cluny.
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Naumburg cathedral west choir windows, c.1245-60, which have their own page with more inscriptions
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Madonna di Montelungo, Margarito/Margaritone d'Arezzo, tempera/panel c. 1250-1300, Arezzo MS, which has its own page
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St. Francis, shop of Margarito/Margaritone d'Arezzo c.1260-75, tempera/panel, Arezzo MS
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reliquary of SS. Maxian, Lucian, Julian, fr. Sainte Chapelle, silver gilt, Paris 1261-62, Cluny Cl. 10746. For full work see Cluny.
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Cimabue, Crucifixion, 1268-71, Arezzo, church of San Domenico. This work has its own page.
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St. Anna nursing Mary, w. Gregory below, Peter/Paul above: Scapular of Gregory X, silk samite with metallic embroidery, Rome? 1270s, Arezzo MS
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Dietisalvi di Speme, biccherna: Abbot of San Donato Ghiffollino Nazi, Siena 1282, MFAB 2. MFAB biccherne have their own page.
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St. Catherine of Alexandria, late 13th c. Rome, fresco from S. Agnese sulla via Nomentana, Vat 40478. For overall view see Vatican Museums.
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biccherna with a friar of the Humiliati, Siena 1296, MFAB 3. MFAB biccherne have their own page.