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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
February 10, 2024

Historical Archive: Latin Inscriptions, 15th century to present
See also coins and medals of all periods.

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Vernicle (veil of Veronica), 15th c., copper alloy, MoL 88.9/18. For inscriptions on more ampullae and pilgrimage signs see MoL.
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seal matrix St James Cripplegate, copper alloy, 15th c., MoL A11010
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Kuster family grave stone: coat of arms with 3 swans emerging from a crown, c.1400, HNM 70.62.1-6
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Man of Sorrows w. instruments Passion, Niccolo di Pietro Gerini c.1405-06, tempera/panel fr Santissima Annunziata, Florence: Arezzo MS
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Ring of Jean sans Peur, Paris c.1410, Louvre OA 9524, which has its own page.
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Old Testament scenes on oak choir stalls, 1420, Roskilde cathedral, which has its own page
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Winterfeld Diptych: Virgin and Child, Man of Sorrows with Holy Lance and instruments of the Passion, Ecce Homo, tempera on oak, from church of Notre Dame in Gdansk, Gdansk c.1430, MNW Śr. 206
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ceramic mold with Annunciation, c.1430/40, LMM 26/106
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Man of Sorrows from St. Nicholas church in Brzeg (Brieg), Wrocław 1443, paint on larch wood, MNW Śr. 343. This work has its own page.
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charter of Abbess Katharina von Hoya authorizing construction of a chapel, Dec. 13, 1433, WienMus. For full work see WienMus.
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Three Coronations tapestry, Brussels 1446-88, Sens CT. This work has its own page.
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altar of St. Sebastian, 1450, Sion, Valère basilica, which has its own interior page with additional views and inscriptions
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inscriptions c.1450-1500, Kloster Wienhausen, which has its own pages
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Andrea Guacioloti, Pope Nicholas V in the ship Eclesia, cast bronze 1455, UMMA 1984/1.283. For many more inscriptions, see coins and medals.
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left: memorial of Anthony Andrea Baldi 1458, Pisa baptistery, which has its own page, in cathedral complex
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door with St. Peter, c.1460-70, Pedro Garcia de Benabarre, oil on wood, MFAB 97.6b. This and the companion door have their own page.
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door with St. Paul, Pedro Garcia de Benabarre, c.1460-70, oil on wood, MFAB 97.6a. This and the companion door have their own page.
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Hat badge with head of John the Baptist, 1475-85: gold, carnelian, enamel. AIC 1992.301
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Annunciation/mystic hunt for the unicorn, circle of Martin Schongauer 1489, Pushkin 2734
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King Henry VI (Henry of Windsor, as saint?) on a ship, late 15th c., lead alloy (imitation gold coin), MoL 75.1/3. For inscriptions on more ampullae and pilgrimage signs see MoL.
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Life of Mary polyptych from Hamburg cathedral, Absolon Stumme 1499, MNW Śr. 432. This work has its own page with more examples.
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Virgin and Child: seal matrix St Mary Bel, copper alloy, 16th c., MoL A1497
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Annunciation and Arma Christi, wood rosary bead, south Low Countries, early 16th c., Cluny: Louvre OA347
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inscriptions c.1500-25, Naumburg cathedral west choir, which has its own page
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Hockley reliquary pendant, early 16th c., gold, BM 2012,8046.1. For other views see BM.
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platter for Head of John the Baptist, early 16th c., NaumburgCT, which has its own page
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Adam and Eve plate, cast brass, Germany c.1500-50, Belgrade MAA 6216. For oblique view see Belgrade MAA.
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Wittenberg University seal matrix: Elector Friedrich III of Saxony, silver, 1502, SMBMünz 18239333
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woman shamed for infidelity, faience, Deruta 1510 (Giovanni Maria Vasaro?), Louvre OA 9205
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Apocalypse medal, Hans Reinhart the Elder 1539, silver, Pushkin Bec 54, 13r
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Lucretia, Majolica platter (coppa amatoria) c.1540, Casteldurante workshop, Arezzo MS
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seal matrix for the Royal Hospital of St Katharine-by-the-Tower and the Royal seal for Ecclesiastical Causes, copper alloy, 1548, MoL A11011
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1574 inscription, Nef of St. Ursula, gold/silver gilt/copper/enamel, which has its own page
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coffered ceiling, design 1596, Pisa cathedral, which has its own pages
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Christ child as mariner on ship of salvation, based on Italian print. Portuguese India, early 17th c., BM 1959,0721.1
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Crucifixion, Juan Carreño de Miranda 1658, oil on wood, inscription: gift to King Philip IV of Spain, IMA 2009.377. For full object see IMA.
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Caudle cup with Charles II of England, tin-glazed earthenware, Lambeth Potteries 1668, AIC 1957.448
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cast lead reliquary w. SS. James the Greater, Bartholemew, Peter, Simon; poss. Westphalia, 18th c., DMP G1.7. For other views see DMP.
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1747 plaque on font exterior, in Ravenna, Orthodox baptistery, which has its own pages.
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Death of St. Cassian, ceramic 1784, Imola
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1810 inscription, ext. Pisa cathedral, which has its own pages
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1830s inscription, tomb of Bede 1542, Galilee, Durham Cathedral, which has its own pages
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model chalice, design Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin, made by John Hardman Co., England c.1849. Gilt metal, enamel, stone. AIC 1981.640
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Naumburg cathedral west choir lower windows, 1870s, which have their own page
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St. Bernward, crypt altar mosaic 1906, St. Michael's, Hildesheim, which has its own pages
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Joseph Bohland, nave ceiling Tree of Jesse, eastern end remade 1959-60, St. Michael's, Hildesheim, which has its own pages