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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
Oct. 8, 2013

Historical Archive: Saint-Denis basilica: Funerary Memorials

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Queen Fredegunda (d.586) from Saint-Germain-des-Prés, 1160s, stone fragments and copper strips. This work has its own page.
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Dagobert (c.603-39), prob. 1250s with restorations. This work has its own page.
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Philippe de France (Philippe Dagobert, d.1235), c.1260, from Abbey of Royaumont, base Viollet-le-Duc reconstruction
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Philippe de France (Philippe Dagobert, d.1235), c.1260, from Abbey of Royaumont
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Philippe de France (Philippe Dagobert, d.1235), c.1260, from Abbey of Royaumont, angel largely modern
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Queen, poss. Marie de Brienne (d.1280), black limestone, from Abbey of Maubuisson
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Queen, poss. Marie de Brienne (d.1280), black limestone: dragons
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Queen, poss. Marie de Brienne (d.1280), black limestone: dragons
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Jean I le Posthume (15-20 November, 1316), marble. This work has its own page.
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Charles of Anjou (1227-85), marble monument 1326. This work has its own page.
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Louis X (le Hutin, the Quarreler, the Headstrong, the Stubborn; 1289-1316), marble, bef. 1327; head from front
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Louis X (le Hutin, the Quarreler, the Headstrong, the Stubborn; 1289-1316), marble, bef. 1327; full figure from its left
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Louis X (le Hutin, the Quarreler, the Headstrong, the Stubborn; 1289-1316), marble, bef. 1327; head from front
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Clémence of Hungary (1293-1328), marble, first third of the 14th c. This work has its own page.
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Jeanne de France (1311-49), marble. This work has its own page.
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south aisle to west with monument for heart of François II, Primaticcio 1560
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Louis XVI (1754-93) and Marie Antoinette (1755-93), marble, Edme Gaulle and Pierre Petitot, 1830
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Marie Antoinette (1755-93), marble, Edme Gaulle and Pierre Petitot, 1830
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1975 black marble royal memorials in 832 chapel of Hilduin, rebuilt 1140-44, Saint-Denis crypt, which has its own page.