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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
Oct. 8, 2013

Historical Archive: Saint-Denis basilica, interior

Narthex c.1135-1140
Ambulatory, eastern chapels, and piers of chevet hemicycle 1140-1144
Apse including shafts added to hemicycle piers 1231-1245
Nave 1240s-1270s
Chapels in the chevet are arranged from north to south.

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narthex, center bays to south-west
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narthex, center
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narthex, western pier between north and center bays
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narthex, from north to south
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narthex, vault of center bay
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narthex, vault of north bay
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nave, vaults under organ loft
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nave to east, from narthex
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nave vaults
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nave to east, north elevation
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north aisle to east
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south aisle to west, from chevet; with monument for heart of François II, Primaticcio 1560
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capital in blind arcade of aisle
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capital in blind arcade of aisle
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capital in blind arcade of aisle
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chevet, crossing, and nave to west
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crossing and nave to west, from behind altar
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nave and north transept to west
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south transept, east clerestory windows with exterior buttresses
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chevet vaults
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chevet north elevation
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chevet north triforium
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view to west from south chevet with Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, marble, Edme Gaulle and Pierre Petitot, 1830
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north transept pier and entry to ambulatory
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north apse hemicycle, ambulatory, and chapels
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south ambulatory, chapels, and adjoining room from apse
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Apostles retable (Crosby relief), c.1150, in Chapel of St. Osmana
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north ambulatory with chapels of St. Maurice, St. Peregrinus, and the Virgin, and piers of apse hemicycle
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Chapel of St. Maurice with 13th-c. St. Eustace retable
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pier of apse hemicycle with people for scale and Chapel of St. Maurice in background
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north ambulatory with chapels of St. Maurice (left background) and St. Peregrinus (right background)
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chapels of St. Maurice (left) and St. Peregrinus (right)
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capitals on pier between chapels of St. Maurice and St. Peregrinus
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capitals on pier between chapels of St. Maurice and St. Peregrinus
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pier of apse hemicycle with Chapel of St. Peregrinus on left
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east ambulatory with Chapel of the Virgin on right
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southeast ambulatory with person for scale and Chapel of St. Cucuphas
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south ambulatory with Chapels of SS Cucuphas (left) and Eugene (right)
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apse hemicycle pier capital
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ambulatory capital
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vaults of ambulatory (top) and chapel (bottom)
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St. Francis preaching to the birds (reproduction of 1260-80 fresco, San Francesco, Assisi), poster displayed in Saint-Denis 2011
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prayer graffiti, poster displayed in Saint-Denis 2011
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prayer graffiti, poster displayed in Saint-Denis 2011