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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
August 17, 2023

Historical Archive: Slavonic, Russian, and Serbian Cyrillic inscriptions

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Chalice of Bratilo, 12th c. Byzantine Novgorod, silver gilt, Novgorod AM. This work has its own page.
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Chalice of Bratilo, 12th c. Byzantine Novgorod, silver gilt, Novgorod AM. This work has its own page.
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Chalice of Bratilo, 12th c. Byzantine Novgorod, silver gilt, Novgorod AM. This work has its own page.
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Epitaphios of King Stefan Uroš II Milutin, embroidery Serbia c.1300, Museum of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Belgrade. This work has its own page.
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Yakov Fedosov 1359, Lyudogoshch cross, wood, which has its own page with many inscriptions, Novgorod AM
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Archangel Michael, 15th c. Russia (Moscow?), MSHM
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Russian inscriptions c.1439-50 on Novgorod cathedral doors, bronze, prob. 1152-54. The doors have their own page with many inscriptions.
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Serbian: Volkašin/Vukasin Mrjavčevic of Serbia silver dinar reverse, 1368-71: inscription, NBM
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Efimiya, embroidered shroud for relics of St. Lazar, 1402
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Khutyn epitaphios, taffeta with gold/silver/silk embroidery, mid 15th c., workshop of Archbishop Euthymius/Euphemius II (1429–1459), Novgorod AM. For details see Novgorod.
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Christ enthroned, sapphire cameo/gold/ruby/emerald/pearl/enamel, Novgorod 16th c., Novgorod AM 3269-78.PEF
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Our Lady of the Sign, Deesis, saints: bone/silver gilt/turquoise/glass, 16th c., Novgorod AM
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Cross fr. Red Field Monastery, wood, c.1500-50, which has its own page, Novgorod AM
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Slavonic: pendant with life of Christ, silver? and ivory, Athos 16th c., Schn B122
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pectoral cross, gold/enamel, 17th c. Russia, MSHM
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Mother of God of the Sign (Platytéra) icon, wood/gesso/glass/metal/tempera/gilding, 17th c., Novgorod AM. For detail and scale view see Novgorod.
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Zaharija Orfelin, Serbian perpetual calendar, Vienna 1783, Belgrade MAA 608. For detail see Belgrade MAA.
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Robinson Crusoe in Serbian, Buda 1799, Belgrade MAA 4246. For detail see Belgrade MAA.
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wall paintings P.A. Safonov and shop, late 19th c., Novgorod Cathedral, which has its own interior page
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iconostasis framework 1894-96, Sultanov and Khlebnikov, Moscow Annunciation Cathedral, which has its own page
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Torah scroll and ark, gold/silver/cloth/wood, early 20th c. Russia, MSHM